Did you know that 38% of office workers’ time is spent using Excel? If you belong to that group, you know that the software isn’t easy to learn. In fact, it can be intimidating to learn such a complicated program!

When you’re working with other people, it may look like they were born knowing how to use Microsoft Excel. If you don’t want to feel left out of your own office, you’re going to want to learn the program.

Keep reading to learn all of the best Excel tips for beginners!

1. Leverage Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficiency

For those new to using Excel, one of the greatest tips for greater efficiency is to become familiar with the various keyboard shortcuts. By learning excel shortcuts, often involving the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT buttons with other letter or number keys, users can quickly access formatting and cell functions, saving valuable time and effort.

In order to access further shortcuts associated with the ribbon, press ALT, then the corresponding letter code associated with the ribbon tab or command. Become an expert quickly, by trying Spire XLS and discovering the potential of Excel.

2. Make Efficient Use of Formulas

Formulas allow you to quickly calculate, analyze, manipulate, and organize data to solve problems and make decisions. By using formulas, you can save time and decrease work. Formulas can also help identify errors and inconsistencies in data.

Beginners can start by practicing basic formulas such as finding the sum, maximum, minimum, average, count, product, and standard deviation of a series of cells. Shortcuts like a copy, fill, autofill, and drag can also speed up data entry and calculations. Learning to change the format of data and cells can also simplify data analysis and create useful visualizations.

3. Unlock the Power of Charts

First and foremost, learn as much as you can about the data you have to graph. That means understanding the columns, rows, and individual values within your spreadsheet.

Once you have a basic understanding of your data, you can begin to explore the different types of charts available. Pie charts, bar charts, and line charts are all great for visualizing data in a meaningful manner. To create these charts, use the Chart Wizard in Excel to help you select the most appropriate chart type for your data. 

4. Master Data Visualization Techniques

Excel makes it easy to organize, analyze and present data, making it perfect for mastering data visualization techniques. One of the best Excel tips for beginners is to always calculate the range of data that needs to be charted before creating a visualization. 

This allows you to quickly create tables and charts that are easy to read and visually appealing. Another skill to acquire is how to create and use pivot tables. They enable users to quickly analyze large data sets that they would otherwise need to sort and organize manually. 

Leverage These Great Excel Tips and Get Started

Excel can be a powerful tool for any user. It is important for beginners to familiarize themselves with a few basic tips and tricks to get the most out of Excel. Begin by building basic formulas and understanding the power of functions.

Once you master the fundamentals, move on to more complex tricks such as macros and data visualizations. Give yourself time to learn and practice each task, and you will soon become an Excel expert. Try out these excel tips today and watch your productivity soar!

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