Are you still using Google Analytics?

It’s been over a month since GDPR, and your digital marketing efforts could use an adjustment. You need to find new website analytics tools that suit GDPR policy so you can choose smarter.

The marketing industry adds new analytics tools every day, and it may be hard to find the right one for you. Below, we’ll explain how to choose the best website analytics tools, but first, let’s go over the jobs of analytics tools and how to categorize them.

Identify Your Analytical Goals

Before selecting a tool, you must determine the type of data you need to collect and analyze. Once you establish your needs, you can decide which tool is most likely to deliver the desired outcome.

Analytical tools can collect data from various sources, but come with varying levels of complexity and cost. Make sure to do your research and read reviews to ensure the tool you choose can meet your specific needs. Research IP tracking pros and cons, as this can help collect data. 

Consider Your Budget

Some tools vary in pricing, from free versions to more expensive versions. Depending on your budget, you can decide which features are most important and what tool you need.

If you have financial resources, you can opt for more expensive tools such as those offered by Adobe or Mix panel, which may offer more features like user segmentation and funnel analysis

Analyze and Compare Platforms

Begin by researching the available analytics tools and their different features. 

Once you have narrowed your list of analytics tools, it is necessary to compare them and see how they stack up against each other. Make sure to compare features such as ease of use, cost, customization, flexibility, and integration with other platforms before making a final decision.

Evaluating Your Data Security Solution 

It is critical to pick a website analytics tool that offers secure and reliable data collection, storage, and transfer. Be sure to review the company’s data handling and storage practices, the level of data security and encryption provided, and the frequency of data backups.

Also, ensure the tools provide customizable reports, real-time monitoring, and automated alerts. Choose a tool that meets or surpasses industry standards for compliance and offers continuous data collection and transfer. 

Reviewing Features & User Reviews

When looking for the best website analytics tools, it’s important to look at each product’s features and user reviews. Reviewing features is a great way to get a sense of how well the tool performs and what kind of data and insights it can generate.

User reviews can provide additional insight into how the tool works in a live context and helpful feedback about its ease of use, customer service, and value for the money. It’s also important to pay attention to the support provided and the pricing model. 

Read More About the Best Website Analytics Tools

Choosing the best website analytics tools to fit your website’s needs is important. Utilizing the previously discussed criteria and reviewing customer feedback can make the selection process easier.

Lastly, invest time researching the different tools to ensure you find the one that is right for you. 

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