In 1970, the US Department of Labor created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Act, or OSHA. This Act provided for the protection and safety of workers to ensure their work environments are free from dangers by providing standards,...

Modern Chiropractic Care

Today's chiropractic treatments use the most advanced diagnostic technology and techniques. Better, more effective strategies and equipment are designed to pinpoint and treat specific areas or conditions. Those who haven't recently had chiropractic care will be surprised at the many advances...
ABSOLUTE SKIN DEFENSE CREAM is an anti-wrinkle cream that works to strengthen your skin's natural defense barrier. It improves skin elasticity, texture and tone for younger looking skin. It contains the patented IMD 5 ceramide blend, which is 20X stronger...
Brushing and mouth washing are great ways to maintain your dental hygiene, but if you could slip into a treatment that's almost invisible, would you? Veneers can be placed over chipped or discolored teeth in less than an hour. Keep...
Do you suffer from neck or back pain? It's normal to feel some aches and pains on occasion. But if it's starting to interfere with your life, something needs to get done. If you've researched the treatment options, you may have...
People who receive health coaching are more capable, knowledgeable, and equipped to actively participate in their healthcare and reach their health objectives. For example, clients dealing with a chronic condition benefit from health coaching because it enables them to...
Autistic children are truly amazing. They often possess unique characteristics that you can view as advantages. Unfortunately, these characteristics may exhibit challenging behaviors, like aggression and meltdowns. Autism treatment can help your child in so many ways. Including the family,...
There is no way around it -- the human body is a complicated machine that needs regular vigorous workouts to stay solid and fit. And just like any other part of our body, the stronger your back is, the stronger...
In the realm of nutrition, few superfoods rival the exceptional benefits of hemp seeds. Derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, hemp seeds pack a potent nutritional punch, boasting a rich composition of essential fatty acids and high-quality protein. Often...
Are you experiencing ED (erectile dysfunction)? This can be a frustrating condition. Luckily, there are ways to treat it and make sure that you're optimizing your relationship with your partner and your experience in the bedroom. Estrogen levels in men can...