Are you wondering how you can build your business with email marketing? Believe it or not, people love getting emails. Senders can drive traffic and increase sales, improving your reputation. Email marketing helps you build a good rapport with clients and...
Did you know that it is estimated that the global eCommerce industry will amount to $6 trillion by 2024? Of course, your business won't be buying or selling products through the Internet. But, your business will be shipping products to...
A lot of small business owners admit to not keeping excellent records on their daily finances. One of the reasons is uncertainty, as they aren't sure how to go about it or what information to gather. The best way to...
Do you know how to motivate your virtual employees? It's no secret that remote workers are more efficient than those working in a physical office. However, this could have you thinking that your team could slack off. Don't fall into this...
As a small business owner, you probably spend a lot of time on the business internet. Doing your accounting, sending emails to your customers, posting on social media, the list can go on and on. If you're having trouble connecting to...
Are your labor costs spiraling out of control? The average business spends 25-30 percent of its gross sales on paying salaries and other related expenses. In fact, labor is often the largest expense in most established businesses. To stay in business,...
Plastic money has become ubiquitous in modern society, with many types of cards on the market. Consumers can find a credit card that suits their needs and lifestyle. This article discusses five lesser-known benefits of using plastic money. Fraud protection Plastic...
Brand awareness is everything you need when you're starting and operating a business. More than 80 percent of consumers will not do business with a company they don't trust in the United States of America. Minimal online presence and...
There are a few issues that a small business owner must deal with regularly. One of the most challenging is how to generate more revenue. If your business has been performing well, consider ways to scale up and take it...
Risk assessment is a process that can help you identify, prioritize and mitigate the financial risks that you face. It also gives your company a framework to make sound business decisions that maximize your financial returns. The process can...