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Dividing Parenting Responsibilities After Divorce

Divorce can be a huge transition for both parents and children alike — one that is often filled with complex emotions, difficult conversations, and plenty of changes in daily routine. As a parent navigating the divorce process, it’s especially important to ensure your children are receiving the proper care and support they need during this tumultuous time — as well as functioning within whatever new parenting arrangement you build together. With proper planning, though, divorced parents can find an effective way to share parenting responsibilities that work for everyone involved. In this blog post today, we’ll discuss strategies for how to divide equal parenting tasks following a divorce!

How to approach your divorce with your children?

When discussing divorce with your kids, it’s important to approach the conversation with sensitivity and understanding. Explaining that divorce happens when couples are unable to find a peaceful way to resolve their disagreements can help them in navigating through their own relationships as adults. Having an open conversation about divorce can lead to increased trust and communication between you and your kids, encouraging them to foster healthy relationships of their own.

What emotions do parents experience?

Even when their love for their children never changes, parents can still experience difficulty managing the adult relationship post-divorce due to all of the stressors that remain. From paperwork and property division to sadness and fear, it’s essential to help ease this transitional period with tips on how best to share parenting responsibilities after a divorce. This allows these individuals a smoother passage into writing an entirely new chapter in life’s book full of hope, courage, and resilience.

What emotions do kids experience?

Divorce can be an incredibly difficult and jarring experience, leaving children feeling a maelstrom of emotions such as:

  • Confusion
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety
  • Loss

They must have an appropriate release for their feelings – someone to discuss things with who will listen patiently – in order to process the thoughts that come from this transition. Otherwise, these effects may stay with them long-term.

Creative outlets such as drawing and writing are a great way for kids to express their emotions in constructive ways during times of change they have no control over. Offering your full support and being an attentive listener when children open up will help them make the most out of challenging situations. While it is never easy to experience change, providing guidance can ensure that kids feel supported through any transition.

The custody

Legally, when a divorce is pronounced, it states the division of parental responsibility and time with children. There are four main forms of child custody:

  • Legal custody
  • Physical custody
  • Joint custody
  • Sole custody

Both parents have a duty to financially support their children throughout and after dissolving their marriage. The noncustodial parent is usually responsible for providing child support payments to the custodial guardian.

Child Support is a financial payment meant to supplement the expenses associated with raising children. It can also be used to equalize the standard of living between households. Besides financial costs to be divided after a divorce, there is an abundance of other commitments that must be discussed and shared between parents.

Sharing Responsibilities

After a divorce, there are several important obligations to consider. Here is an overview of the main responsibilities:

  • Food Expenses:  Who will pay for groceries, snacks, and vitamins?
  • Hygiene Expenses (diapers, vitamins, milk):  Who will pay for hygiene items that the kids need?
  • Schooling (Tuition fees, Text Books): Where will the children attend school and who is responsible for transportation costs?
  • Medical and Dental Care: Who will take the children to their pediatric dentist’s appointments and how will the medical bills be paid?
  • Holidays:  Who will get the children on their birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions? Other Expenses: Who will pay for the child’s extracurricular activities and summer camps?

Tips on how to nail it

Every divorce is different and only you are aware of the situation better than anyone else. We understand that what works for one person may not work in a similar setting. Therefore, during these tumultuous times of familial discord, we suggest favoring your child’s best interests above all else when making decisions. Although it can be easy to get caught up in feelings of anger or resentment towards your ex-partner, try to take things as peacefully as possible; both for yourself and your child’s sake. Be gentle with yourself – kindness will go a long way!


Divorce is a difficult and often heartbreaking experience that can leave both parents and children feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to remember, however, that with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be so stressful or damaging. By taking into account your child’s best interests when making decisions regarding custody arrangements, financial support payments, and shared responsibilities like grocery shopping or extracurricular activities, you can make sure they feel supported through this transition. Additionally, providing them with creative outlets for expression such as writing or drawing will give them an appropriate outlet for their emotions during these trying times. With open communication and understanding from both parties involved in the divorce process, everyone should come out of it better off than before.

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